The Christmas Beer is based on the principle of after-Work, it is also "another way to start the Weekend", in a quality family and friendly atmosphere. Three objectives to achieve seem essential to us. Objective No. 1 - Promote local micro breweries. On this occasion, the Brotherhood of the Order of Beers of Jenlain invites 12 to 15 local brewers and micro brewers. Allowing them to present their Christmas beers and at the same time offer them the opportunity to promote their product ranges to the public. Objective No. 2 - Allow contact with the public. This is an important point advocated by the brotherhood, which is why it promotes the proximity of the public with the brewers by limiting the number of brewers and the installation of these pagodas in the sports hall, "Quantity does not make quality". Similarly, we pay great attention to the selection of brewers, we strive during the pre-registration phase to establish a constructive dialogue with the exhibitor. And finally, throughout the show, a host questions the exhibitors so that they can highlight their know-how. Objective No. 3 - Offer a quality cultural offer around this event. The brotherhood has been developing for several years, 2 well-established conferences, one on the theme of beer through the ages, the other on beer making. This year, we plan to invest in audiovisual resources that meet our needs, in order to hold our conferences in the best conditions. All of the events are part of the local economic or associative fabric. Description: Created in October 2000 by the Jenlinoise Tourism Association, as a promotional lever for Jenlinoise events, the Brotherhood of the Order of Beers of Jenlain, with its experience in organizing events, including the Festibière de Jenlain, is repeating the experience with a show dedicated to Christmas beers "Christmas Beer" for its th edition. This show will become, we hope, a new annual event not to be missed in the regional brewing world. To this end, we also want to bring a cultural and musical dimension thanks to two levers: